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Link to IFED 2015 Registration

Please use the 'Register Button below to link to the IFED Registration site, The prices quoted here are for South African Delegates only; you will find all relevant pricing on the IFED Registration Site.

On behalf of the South African Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the 9th World Congress for the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry. IFED 2015 will be held in Cape Town from the 5th to the 7th of November 2015. This is the first time that the IFED World Congress will be held on the African continent.

The Scientific program, `The Big 5 `will embrace all the disciplines of Aesthetic Dentistry. Many of the speakers are global opinion leaders who will educate, inspire and entertain you over the entire 3 days!The Cape Town International Convention Centre offers excellent facilities and with the backdrop of Table Mountain, there can be no better venue to hold such a prestigious meeting, which will remain in your memory for years to come.

The IFED 2015 social program will be something quite special! We understand Cape Town might be a long way from home so we will show you the kind of hospitality that South Africa is famous for.

Our exciting partner programme includes trips to the world-renowned Cape Town Winelands, iconic landmark Table Mountain and an opportunity to experience the colour and vibrancy of township life. There are a myriad of activities and sights to entice you to stay longer in Cape Town or to explore other parts of South Africa; to see the Big Five, and much more.

On behalf of SAAAD, I look forward to welcoming you to South African shores where together we can enjoy a stimulating and information filled Congress.

Mark Bowes

Congress Chairman

Main Sponsors

Event Details

Event Date 05-11-2015 8:30 am
Event End Date 07-11-2015 6:00 pm
Cut off date 04-11-2015 2:00 pm
Individual Price R5,800.00
Late Fee 20.00% (From 01-10-2015 00:00)
Location Cape Town | CTICC

Registrations for this event are now closed.

Location Map

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