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SAAAD Members
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The Members Zone

Please log in to access the Members Zone, which is open to our current paid-up members.

Here you can create and edit your listing in our 'Find a Dentist Directory', and access other members' documents and resources.

Levels of Membership for Dental Professionals

SAAAD follows a respected membership program in promoting continued development.

Associate Member

Associate membership of SAAAD is open to any member of the dental team who supports the aims and objectives of SAAAD and is committed to excellence in aesthetic dentistry.
As an affiliate of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry, SAAAD dentists are part of a worldwide organisation of aesthetic dental professionals.

Full Member

Existing SAAAD Associate dentist members who have carried out 80 hours of relevant, verifiable CPD within the last two years, including 12 hours attendance at SAAAD Meetings may apply to upgrade to Full Member status.
Details are provided to all new members and are available within the Members Zone.

Fellow Member

The Fellow membership is the ultimate recognition of the exceptional achievements of individuals in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

The Board of Directors will nominate such individuals.

The International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry

IFED LOGO 400x168

SAAAD and its members are proud members of IFED

Be a part of this Dynamic Dental Community

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