There has been confusion and concern from both the dental profession and the general public as to who is legally permitted to provide tooth whitening procedures. SAAAD is also concerned about the harm that could result to members of the public, should these procedures be carried out without an adequate dental examination and by someone without the correct training. We are aware that certain spas are providing such tooth whitening procedures. We wish to point out that this is illegal.
The Health Practitioners Council of South Africa (HPCSA) has confirmed that ALL tooth whitening procedures may ONLY be performed by Dentists, Dental Therapists or Oral Hygienists.
Please see the copies below this article of the Press Release from the HPCSA concerning this ruling on tooth whitening and an email SAAAD received from Bheki Mbhele (General Manager Professional Board HPCSA) confirming their position.
With this information from the HPCSA we trust that the public will be vigilant in their approach to tooth whitening and protect themselves from such illegal and potentially harmful operators.HPCSA Press Release dated 13 October 2009
Letter from Bheki Mbhele dated 15 June 2011
We encourage you to report offenders to the Health Professions Council or alternatively: