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Are you the next younger-generation dental speaker?

Set yourself apart and compete to win the 2024 SAAAD Battle of the Speakers for dentists under 40!

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It's time for the next generation!

Who is the best young dental speaker in the country?

After the success of the previous Battle of the Speakers in 2019 and 2023, we are now looking for the best young dental speaker under 40 in the country. In another unique day hosted by the South African Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, we invite all clinicians from across the country to be part of the next generation of 'Battle of the Speakers'.

If you practice beautiful aesthetic dentistry, this is your opportunity to showcase your work and presentation skills and compete with your peers. With the number of incredibly talented young dentists in our country offering excellent dentistry, now is the time to shine.

This opportunity can open doors for you and elevate your dentistry and public speaking career. You need to take the next step!

How it works

The competition is open to all South African registered dentists under 40 who must submit a clinical case presentation from start to finish.

Each applicant is requested to submit their topic and 250-word abstract, a short bio and a profile picture. A panel of three judges will evaluate all applicants, rate them according to their proposed topic and abstract, and choose ten finalists.

The ten finalists, as decided by the judging panel in the first phase, will be invited to present at the SAAAD Battle of the Speakers meeting on 26 October 2024. Each speaker presentation will be strictly limited to 15 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for questions from the audience. Any form of presentation tools and support are permitted.

An independent panel of three judges and the attending delegates will judge each presentation using a live voting poll, 'Poll Everywhere'. The judging panel has a 75% vote weighting, and the remaining 25% will be an aggregate from the live voting poll per the delegates.

The Prize
Prize TBC

Judging and Assessment Criteria for Speakers' Presentation

Admission Criteria

    1. The challenge is reserved for dentists under 40 who are interested in aesthetic dentistry and can compete on 26 October 2024.
    2. The participant must be a registered dentist and present a clinical case from start to finish.
    3. The deadline to enrol is 27 September 2024.
    4. Submission can be done by filling in the attached document

Assessment criteria

  1. Each participant will have 15 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion with questions and voting.
  2. Cases presented could be the treatment of a single tooth, a quadrant or a full mouth.
  3. The complexity of the case will gather more points.
  4. The format of the presentation will be 16:9
  5. The number of slides for each presentation is not limited as long as they fit in the given time. Don't forget that time will earn bonus malus points.
  6. A judging panel of three independent judges will evaluate the presentations, and the audience will vote.
  7. In case of a tie, the three judges will vote again.

Evaluation criteria

The judges will vote according to the following:

  • Complexity of the case
  • Quality of documentation
  • Rationale and treatment plan
  • Style of presentation


These four categories will allow a maximum score of 60 points. Judges can score from 0 (scarce) to 5 (excellent) in each of the four. (20 points available for each judge)

Bonus - Malus: Time will be a factor; if the candidate finishes within the assigned time, they will score +10 points, and -10 if they do not complete within 15 minutes.

The maximum score will be 70 points (60 from judges + 10 bonus)

Be Bold, become the next Dental Speaker

Step 1: Register via the link below

Step 2: Send your topic and abstract, a short bio and a profile pic to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 27 September 2024

Enter the 2024 SAAAD Battle of the Speakers Under 40

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Reserved for Dentists and Specialists under 40 
with an interest in Aesthetic Dentistry


Entries close on
27 September 2024

Finalists announced on
30 September 2024

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Event Details

Event Date 26-10-2024 8:00 am
Event End Date 26-10-2024 5:00 pm
Cut off date 27-09-2024 4:30 pm
Individual Price FREE
Location Johannesburg | PPS Indaba Venue

Registrations for this event are now closed.

Location Map

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