Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedure
Naidoo, A (BChD) (PDD)
The original tenets of Sir G V Black, acknowledged as the father of modern dentistry, has evolved over the years; bringing with it a paradigm shift from “extension for prevention” to a minimal intervention approach.
Traditional protocols for aesthetic rehabilitation called for invasive treatment with inevitably compromised tooth structure. In recent years, however, we have seen a systematic respect for dental tissue. Giant leaps have been made towards the practice of minimally invasive
procedures for the aesthetically demanding patient.
The advent of predictable adhesive technologies and improved materials brought with it the possibility of minimal tooth preparations. Biomimetics saw itself reared into the field of dentistry which has radically changed the way we see prosthetic procedures, and together with adhesive dentistry; clinicians are able to recreate the damaged dentition restoring its function, strength and aesthetics.
Minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) for aesthetic rehabilitation is a comprehensive treatment modality (Fradeani et al., 2012). Enamel preservation is advocated to maximise adhesive bonding of luting agents to tooth structure and etchable ceramic restorations. MIPP offers aesthetic rehabilitation, without the biologic cost of sacrificing unnecessary tooth structure, while restoring function and occlusal stability; allowing for better acceptance of treatment by the patient.
The future of aesthetic dentistry looks to minimally invasive procedures, with superior aesthetic results, once only a thought which resounded in the mind of the clinician.